Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Ah, spring has finally arrived. The grass is turning green, and leaves are appearing on the trees. I'm already sneezing, so the pollen has also arrived. But, I'd much rather sneeze a bit than shovel snow. This was a nasty winter by any account. I sure hope it's not a sign of things to come. Winters like the one we just had that make me miss Florida, but when I get to see our grand children it makes it all worth it.
I've been corresponding with the producer of a morning show on CBS, Virginia This Morning. She has my book and is considering having me do a guest appearance sometime in the future. I sure hope it works out, as it would be an excellent opportunity for me to tell the folks in the Richmond area about my novel. Promoting the book in the Richmond area has been a challenge.
You can read chapters of my novel at Just go to their site and search for The Scam by J.R. Malerba. If you like the book you can order it at or at (Barnes & Noble).
I'll keep everyone posted, should CBS agree to have me on their show.
Now it's time for me to give the grass a cut, and enjoy this beautiful day.

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