Thursday, December 4, 2008


I can hardly believe that the Holidays are here already, and as far as I'm concerned 2009 can't get here fast enough. The last 4 months of 2008 have been a financial disaster. I sure don't envy our new president, what with the mess he has to deal with, but I wish him the very best. Heaven knows he will need it.
The past 4 months have been very busy for Linda and myself. We spent some time in Florida and put our Ocala home on the market. If you have been following the news, and it's hard not to, then you know just how bad the housing market is. We made some sacrifices, but we managed to sell our home. So, after 11 years, we leave Florida with mixed emotions. We will miss the nice warm Florida sunshine and the wonderful friends that we made over the years, but we will enjoy living so close to our family in Virginia year-round. Our grand children are growing up fast and we don't want to miss their early years.
I plan to become more active with marketing my novel and hope to schedule more book signings in the Richmond area. I have to admit, I have been a bit lax in that area over the past several months because of other commitments, but I will make it a New Year resolution to get bust promoting The Scam. If you know someone who enjoys reading mystery novels you may want to get them a copy for a Christmas present.
Linda and I would like to wish everyone a wonderful Holiday season and a super great 2009. We hope and pray that our economy turns around real fast, and that our nation's new leaders learn from the errors of the past to put aside their differences and cooperate with each other for the good of our country.